Welcome to my blog "ZK Fun Learning...", where I will post downloadable material for preschool learning. These materials are for anyone who works with children on a daily basis. You are free to donwload it and use it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Melissa and Doug Taffy Sea Turtles Catch & Hatch Pool Toy

Melissa and Doug Taffy Sea Turtles Catch & Hatch Pool Toy

Melissa and Doug Taffy Sea Turtles Catch & Hatch Pool Toy
Each plastic egg in this sweet pool-play set fits one baby turtle inside. Toss them in the pool, then gather them up to "hatch" an exciting variety of swimming, racing, sequencing and sorting games!Extension Activities: More Ways to Play and Learn:BACK TO THE NEST! (2-5 players) 1. Take the turtles out of their shells and toss them into the pool. Divide the empty eggshells among the other players (two players get five shells each; three players get three shells; four to five players get two shells). Each player places the eggshells in a different place beside the pool. Choose another spot to be the "nest" - the spot where the eggs go once they are filled. 2. On the count of three, the players race to collect turtles from the bottom of the pool, put them in eggshells (one turtle per egg), and place them in the nest. The first player to have all his/her eggshells filled and closed is the winner!More play ideas available!

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